Master Product Design: Your Pathway to a Successful Career in India

By Sherene David
By Sherene David

Jul 26, 2024

Product Design
Master Product Design: Your Pathway to a Successful Career in India

Product design, the art and science of creating products, plays a deep role in our technology-driven society. It affects our daily lives in more ways than we can imagine. Everything we use, needs to function in a certain way for it to be considered useful and ergonomic. Which means there is a rise in career opportunities in the market for product designers. With its burgeoning startup ecosystem and increasing emphasis on user experience, we are witnessing a growing demand for skilled product designers in India. 

Whether you’re a recent graduate, a career switcher, or simply passionate about creating impactful products – Let’s break down the world of product design so you’ll know how to get recruited into the best product design companies in India. Use this blog as a roadmap or a manual on how to carve a successful career in this dynamic industry. 

Let’s dive into the world of product design!

Understanding the Role: Product Designers in India

Think of it like this – a product designer could be likened to an architect – a strategic planner of a product’s user experience – how a product will be received, used, and handled by a target user. So, a product designer is responsible for crafting intuitive, user-centric solutions that meet a number of objectives. Their role involves a blend of creativity, empathy, and strategic thinking.

For a market like India, the role comes with added weightage and responsibilities. We are to note that the market, the audience and the user base in India is a tough nut to crack. Here trends are always shaping, evolving and changing and as product designers in India, you will always be on your toes to keep up with the next oncoming wave. 

Product designers bridge the gap between users and businesses. Their role is to conduct in-depth research to understand user needs, behaviors, and pain points. Armed with these insights, they create user-centric designs, often collaborating closely with engineers, marketers, and other stakeholders.

First the basics, differentiate product design from UI UX design. They are 2 different areas of expertise. While UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience) design are integral components of product design, the latter encompasses a broader scope. Product designers not only focus on the look and feel of a product but also consider its overall functionality, usability, and strategic fit within the market.

Product designers play the game from start to finish. They are present from ideation to launch and then for reiterated designs and continued support. As a product designer your role will demand you to contribute to shaping the product’s direction, ensuring it delivers value to users and drives business success.

How to Begin Your Journey: What Product Design Companies in India Look For

What Product Design Companies in India Look For

Education and Training

Always begin any journey by building a solid foundation. With this career path as aspiring product designers in India, your foundation is in understanding design principles. The core of any study is to know the basics like the back of your hand. And while formal education is a preferred route for many, it’s certainly not the only path to success.

  • Formal Education

India is no stranger to renowned design institutions that offer specialized programs in product design. NID (National Institute of Design) and NIFT (National Institute of Fashion Technology) are among the top institutions on a very extensive list of options. These institutes provide comprehensive curricula covering design theory, methodologies, and practical application, which pave the way to making you one of the most famous product designers in India. Sometimes, an institution name is all it takes to give your starting career an impressive boost. 

However, admissions to these institutes are highly sought after, and will require rigorous training for extremely competitive entrance exams. But, for those who don’t secure a seat in these institutions, there are always other avenues to explore.

  • Alternative Learning Paths
  • Online Courses and Bootcamps: try and explore online platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and edX where you can find a plethora of product design courses. Bootcamps work if you are short on time and need courses that can get you to your goals quicker.
  • Self-Learning: With the abundance of online resources, self-learning is a feasible option. However, in any of these paths that you choose, know that discipline and structured learning are essential.

Regardless of the chosen path, building a strong portfolio is paramount. It showcases your design thinking, problem-solving abilities, and practical application of design principles.

Building Your Portfolio

A strong portfolio gets you places especially if you are determined to stand out and have a successful career as a product designer. Think of it as a wall of trophies – the more shiny gold trophies you have, the more your credibility increases. It’s a showcase of your design thinking, problem-solving abilities, and practical skills.

  • What to Include
  • Personal Projects: Your passion for product design and initiative are always best represented by your personal projects. These are conceptions created out of your imagination and not bound by any brief. Here, the sky’s the limit.
  • Academic Projects: These are ones you did during the completion of your education, these demonstrate your learned skills and how you apply them in real-life scenarios.
  • Freelance or Internship Work: If you’ve had any freelance or internship experiences, be sure to include these projects to showcase your ability to collaborate and deliver client-centric solutions.
  • Portfolio Presentation

Sometimes you may have all the necessary arrows in your quiver, but if your aim is bad, you will miss out on good opportunities. It’s the same with your portfolio, this needs to hit the mark. You will be competing against the best product designers in India, when you hunt for a job. Your portfolio and presentation skills should be top-quality. What are elements that you need to keep your eye on when you create your portfolio? 

  • Visual appeal – first impressions always matter, make sure you use it to your advantage
  • Storytelling – show depth and perception – present your work as a narrative
  • User-centric focus – show understanding of your audience
  • Showcase an online presence on platforms Behance, Dribbble, or your own website.
  • Tips for Success
  • Quality over Quantity: Focus on showcasing a few exceptional projects rather than a large number of mediocre ones.
  • Continuous Improvement: Treat your portfolio as a living document and update it regularly with new work.
  • Seek Feedback: Get constructive criticism from mentors, peers, or potential employers to enhance your portfolio.

Breaking into the Industry

Landing your first product design job can be challenging and rewarding at the same time. Here are some common entry paths that we feel will give you the best shot at landing roles in product design companies in India:

  • Internships and Entry-Level Roles

Take up Internships. They provide invaluable experience and networking opportunities. Look for internships at startups, established companies, or design agencies – but make sure these internships provide real-life experience.

  • Networking

Networking is crucial in the design industry. It’s important to know your ‘people’ – whom to connect with and interact with – as this may give you an edge. Attend industry events, conferences, and workshops. Connect with professionals/ famous product designers in India on LinkedIn and other platforms. This is a way to learn from them by building relationships that open doors to new opportunities.

  • Job Hunting Strategies

Online job boards, company websites, and design-specific platforms can help you find suitable roles. One tip: tailor your resume and cover letter to each job application, highlighting the relevant skills and experiences that each specific role is looking for. 

  • Crafting Your Resume and Cover Letter

Your resume should showcase your design skills, projects, and educational background. Use keywords relevant to product design. Your cover letter should be compelling – it should explain your interest in the company and how your skills align with the job requirements.

  • Interview Preparation

Practice common product design interview questions, such as design thinking process, portfolio presentation, and problem-solving scenarios. Research the company and its products to demonstrate your interest and knowledge.

Also Read – UX/UI Designer vs UX/UI Developer 

Progression and Specializations for the Product Designer Career Path

Progression and Specializations for the Product Designer Career Path

Once you’ve started out in the field, it’s only natural to think of your next steps. This will happen as you gain experience; you’ll have opportunities to advance your career, specialize in specific areas of product design, and have the opportunity to explore specialized roles.

Career Paths

For product designers in India, the job market and landscape offers diverse career paths. Here are some common roles to look at:

  • Junior Product Designer: An entry-level position where you will learn the ropes and contribute to design projects.
  • Product Designer: This is a core role responsible for crafting user experiences and collaborating with cross-functional teams.
  • Senior Product Designer: A managerial role where you will lead design teams, mentor junior designers, and drive design strategy.
  • Product Design Lead: In this role you will oversee multiple product design projects, set design vision, and collaborate with product management.


As you build your experience and your portfolio in the industry, look to expand your horizon by specializing in different fields.

  • Interaction Design: Focuses on how users interact with digital products.
  • Product Strategy: Defines product vision, target market, and overall strategy.
  • UX Research: Conduct user research to inform design decisions.
  • UI Design: Create visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces.

Continuous learning and upskilling are non-negotiable for career growth. It is essential to stay updated with industry trends, attend workshops, and explore new design tools and methodologies.

Building a Personal Brand

Actively build your personal brand. That is one way you can stay ahead of the game. Utilize the myriad options in your digital arsenal to do so – social media platforms, attend industry events, and contribute to design communities to establish yourself as a thought leader. Position yourself as a contributing member of the design community, and you will be a sought-after product designer. 

Challenges and Opportunities in India

Challenges and Opportunities in India

As with any industry, the Indian product design landscape offers both exciting opportunities and unique challenges. This overview of challenges and opportunities might help you make your decision faster if you are still on the bench while considering a career path. Here is a look at them


  • Lack of Mature Design Ecosystem: Compared to established markets, India’s product design ecosystem is still developing, with limited resources and mentorship opportunities.
  • Focus on Visual Design: There’s often an overemphasis on aesthetics over user experience and functionality.
  • Bridging the Gap Between Design and Business: Aligning design with business goals can be challenging.
  • Talent Scarcity: Finding skilled product designers in India with the right blend of skills can be competitive.


  • Growing Startup Ecosystem: India’s thriving startup scene offers ample opportunities for product designers.
  • Digital India Initiative: Government initiatives focused on digital transformation create a demand for skilled designers.
  • Diverse User Base: India’s diverse population presents unique design challenges and opportunities.
  • Global Exposure: With increasing globalization, Indian product designers can compete on a global stage.

A career in product design might be a challenging role to undertake, however it can open avenues for your personal and professional growth. You will be molding the way your audience will interact with your designs and that is achievement enough. 


Taking up roles of product designers in India is an exciting journey filled with challenges and rewards. By understanding the role, building a strong foundation through education and training, and developing a robust portfolio, you can increase your chances of success.

The Indian product design landscape is evolving rapidly, presenting numerous opportunities for talented individuals. In fact, the Indian market can be considered as a budding opportunity. Embrace the challenges, stay curious, and continuously learn to thrive in this dynamic field. There is so much more to know about this field that it cannot be incorporated into a single blog. But you can definitely use this as a starting point to understand if the role suits you or not. 

Remember, product design is about creating meaningful experiences for users. With passion, dedication, and a user-centric approach, you can make a significant impact. 

Start your product design journey today and shape the future of India’s digital landscape.